The office will be closed Thursday, July 4th-5th and reopen Monday, July 8th in observance of Independence Day. Please Contact us if you have any questions.


Knowledge Confirmation vs. Recertification

At ARDMS, we’re deeply dedicated to encouraging our community’s ongoing education and learning. We strive to offer the resources to help every Registrant enhance their careers each and every day.  

We built the ARDMS Maintenance of Certification (MOC) journey to engage the sonography community and celebrate excellence in everyday practice, and we’re excited to introduce its fourth and newest component: Knowledge Confirmation. 

Wait, what about Recertification? 

When the idea of an ARDMS recertification program was initially introduced years ago, we used the term Recertification because the healthcare community generally recognizes this process as the standard for a certification maintenance tool. As the program was developed, so too did the terminology. Recertification doesn’t fit the intention or the spirit behind our mission at ARDMS. 

What is Recertification? 

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines recertification as the act or process of certifying, or being certified, again 

For many organizations, recertification is an exercise designed to demonstrate a continuing commitment to competence in whatever practice a certification is held. It supports certificants over the course of an ongoing career journey, and not just upon earning an initial certification. 

Recertification often involves retaking or repeating a high-stakes examination that was taken in the past. At ARDMS, we believe that the future of learning is charging ahead, and not focused on previously rendered assessments. We believe in moving forward, not looking back.

Why Knowledge Confirmation is NOT Recertification 

The practice of supporting continued competence is essential to ARDMS: we’re proud to partner with our community on this journey of career-long learning, and consider it to be key to our gold standard of care.  

Knowledge Confirmation focuses specifically on creating a space for sonographers to demonstrate their knowledge and open opportunities to learn and grow. Our process aims to highlight and open potential areas for improvement, learning, and growth in knowledge, skills, and abilities.  

To accomplish this goal, we worked with our community of experts to create a program that: 

  • Lives in a hand-held, portable smartphone app 
  • Presents information in quick quizzes, not high-stakes exams 
  • Cuts hassle with easy access 
  • Refreshes on a regular basis to keep learning current 

The Future of Learning  

At ARDMS, we want to ensure that you are maintaining your certification, but we also want you to find value in the process. 

As a career-long learning opportunity, Knowledge Confirmation can be captured in a way that fits into our Registrants’ regular schedules, establishes learning over time, and doesn’t require returning to a brick and mortar testing center. This nimble, responsive tool is made to fit real people and real life.