The office will be closed Thursday, July 4th-5th and reopen Monday, July 8th in observance of Independence Day. Please Contact us if you have any questions.


School Report

A Program Director may request in writing an ARDMS School Report. There is no charge for this report.

An ARDMS school report includes:
• Names of candidates who passed an examination
• The examination each candidate took during a specific timeframe
• Credentials earned by each candidate
• Aggregate examination and raw score results
• Percentage of candidates who passed an examination

Note: ARDMS provides a report for the current year and three years prior. We will only issue a school report when at least three candidates passed an examination. Reports do not include individual raw scores or the names of candidates who failed.

How to Request a School Report

  1. Download the School Report Template . If requesting reports for more than one program, save and create a separate form for each program.
  2. Enter all required school information at the top of form.
  3. Enter student information while keeping in mind the following.
    • Use formal names only; please do not include middle names or initials.
    • List either the ID  number OR the date of birth. If listing the date of birth, please use the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
    • Double-check that names are spelled correctly; incorrect spelling may result in inaccurate data.
    • List at least three students for your order to be processed.
    • Enter all data; do not copy and paste the information or it will be incompatible with the reporting software we use.
  4. Save the document as an XL SX – workbook.
  5. Send the form via email to If you are requesting multiple program reports, email each form separately.

If you have questions or would like more information on school reports, please email